Brainstrong Grants
Since our inception, The Foundation has awarded more than $400,000 in the form of Brainstrong Grants to our teachers. Applications for awards come directly from teachers and range from AP Biology microscopes to books to art supplies to STEAM materials to optical sensors for coding. Mattawan’s teachers are creative, enthusiastic, dedicated and inspired. MPEF makes their desires for improvements to their classrooms and curriculum a reality by providing a funding source for them. Teachers use these awards to support and enhance the learning experiences inside and outside of their classrooms.
The purpose of Brainstrong Grants is to support teacher creativity and enhance classroom instruction. In the fall of the 2024-2025 school year, we awarded 52 Brainstrong Awards to teachers in all four buildings, putting $41,000 directly back into our teachers’ hands and fueling classroom learning, innovation, creativity and enthusiasm.