2023-2024 Board Leadership

Ryan Smith

Betsy Weber

Andrea Lippert

Paula Tomczak
Board Members
Elizabeth Christensen
Kristen Clancy
Jacky Cross
Abby Dunning
Trina Kerrins
Lori Earls
Marika Hawes-Ruhrup
Kami Jominy
Jarod Lippert
Ryan Kelly
Bill McNulty
Erica Nagra
Nicole Price
Bridgit Smith
Katy Harman
Carolyn Stiles
Erin Sutherland
Sarah Watson
Renee Ziska
Administrative Liaisons
Sherri McGrath, School Board Member
Pam Stermer, MCS Director of Finance
MPEF is always interested in growing the Board with enthusiastic members of the school and greater community. If you would like more information, please contact us at andrea.lippert@mpef.org